Emotions and Feelings

  • Put Your Faith in Love

    These recordings are from Mother’s weekend filled with love, light, laughter, and connection. The focus is on choosing faith over fear, what that really means and how to do it. She connects you with your true faith and help you strengthen that connection so that it becomes the first response to life, before fear, before doubt, before rejection and repression of self. This event was the last weekend event Mother will do for a long while.

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  • Caring for Your Sensitive Self

    Step into the cleansing fire. In June there was an extraordinary workshop of passionate living in the heart of Mother Mary’s love, and it was recorded for you to experience through these audios. She takes us on a journey of awakening to our passion for life, those we love, ourselves, and especially our passion for the Divine. Mother guides intense energetic movement and deep communion.

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  • Igniting Your Passion

    Step into the cleansing fire. In June there was an extraordinary workshop of passionate living in the heart of Mother Mary’s love, and it was recorded for you to experience through these audios. She takes us on a journey of awakening to our passion for life, those we love, ourselves, and especially our passion for the Divine. Mother guides intense energetic movement and deep communion.

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  • Make Time for Love

    Mother Mary will spend this time with you, helping you discover the parts of your life that long to be nourished with love. She will teach you how to bring love into any situation, relationship, and endeavor. When you can do that, you have a lightness of being, clarity, and a sense of rightness that will energize all that you do.

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